Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back to the Drawing Board

I was just informed today that the Weather Service position I applied for in Lincoln, Illinois has been awarded to a different applicant. We had our hearts set on this location SO MUCH, that it's difficult to not be pretty down about it. They ended up hiring from within their own office.

This sets us back at least a few months from where we thought we'd be by now in the promotion/moving process.

In the meantime, we shift our sights westward as I have applied for positions in Cheyenne, Wyoming and Spokane, Washington. Possible interviews for these locations could happen by mid October, but as we have learned the hard way: we shouldn't count our chickens before they've hatched.

Wish us luck.


Anonymous said...

It seems that any business works on its own timetable, which can be a long ways from what would be ideal for you and your family. I empathize for you losing the location that you would have preferred, but everything seems to happen for a reason. For a long time I fought that idea, but looking backward through the telescope of time, it seems to be one of those universal truths.

And in the meantime, you're living in a part of the country that enjoys a low cost of living, which is a blessing in itself.

I'm glad that you're keeping your spirits up as you work through the long process of bidding out for a new position.

We'll keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Mom and Royce

Anonymous said...

I've been saying this alot lately, but "Deep breath, happy thoughts!" Our family will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers.

Sonja said...

I'm crossing my fingers for Spokane!